Shortcodes: Widgets

Testimonials slideshow

[testimonials title=”” order=”DESC”]
[twitter items=”4″ title=”Twitter widget” username=”themefuse”]
[flickr title=”Flickr photostream” items=”6″ flickr_id=”51362473@N05″]

Recent / Most Commented Widget

[widget name=”TFuse_tabs”]
[col type=”1_2″]

Recent Posts

[latest_posts title=”” items=”2″]
[col type=”1_2″]

Popular Posts

[popular_posts title=”” items=”2″]
[divider type=”thin”]

Other Shortcodes

[col type=”1_2″]
[newsletter title=”Sign-up for news” text=”Sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive updates, news, and promos:” rss_feed=”true”]

Search widget:

[col type=”1_2″]
[divider type=”space_thin”]

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